Friday, 14 March 2014


I mentioned these 20 ways to influence the world as a Christian in my book "ALIVE FOR A PURPOSE" and I am glad to share them with you.

1. Be genuinely born again
2. Develop a consistent fellowship and communion with God (quiet time)
3. Seek to be baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
4. Build up your faith by meditating on the word of God and by speaking in tongues.
5. Serve God in a unit or department in your local Church where you can use your spiritual gifts and talents.
6. Be committed to a life of witnessing and soul winning.
7. Pray and fast regularly.
8. Pray for other nations apart from your country.
9. Pray for countries where the gospel has not been preached.
10. Pray with maps of the world.
11. Pray with the world globe.
12. Adopt a mission field and a missionary and pray for such at your prayer altar.
13. Join a group and go on a short-term mission’s trip to a mission field in your country or outside your country.
14. When you are sick, trust in God and pray for your healing.
15. Consciously pray for the sick and allow God to work through you.
16. Set apart a percentage of your income and send to the mission field regularly
17. Visit the missionary you support on the field to encourage him and also do short-term work on the field.
18. Give sacrificially to the work of God and especially to missions work. Missionaries are working mostly in places where tithes and offerings are insignificant. Many labour on indigenes so as to have indigenous churches. Send money to help the great task.
19. Talk to friends and colleagues about your adopted missionary and mission field.
20. Accept God’s calling if he wants to use you to minister to the poor and live among them.
If you do all these and more as the Holy Spirit inspires you, you will be more fulfilled as a Christian and your joy will be full.( Luke 15:7,10, Luke 10:17, Acts 8:8).

You can add to this list by posting a comment below. THANKS FOR READING.